Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Did Something To Rescue A Plate Of Rice

11 June 2013, around 7.50 pm, while having dinner with my daughter at Kembali Cafe,Best WesternPremier Hotel,  there was a plate of barely touched spicy rice left over by my daughter. When I left the table to take other food, I were saddened when the plate of rice was taken away and put at a designated side table, a place where waiters put all leftover food ready to be thrown away. At  first I hold on to my pride and ignore it but as I saw the rice from afar, I felt sorry for the rice crying to be eaten (my mother told me when I was a kid). I walked bravely to the food leftover table, took back the rice and pour it into my plate and ate it, saving thousand of souls from crying all the way to the dustbin.

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