Monday, June 24, 2013

Music Technology

Do you still  remember this thing of yesteryears? My younger brother who likes to collect nostalgic items got it from Ipoh Memory Lane, a famous place for junk items. My father use to have this cartridge when he, circa 1977, bought what we called "radio grand" named Lamina with a cartridge player and Garrard vinyl record player and it sounded  nice during that time. I was 4 years old then.
The fun did not stop there. It continued when the cartridge was unusable  or intentionally made unusable by us. We loved to pull the brown tape and wrap it all over the house.
One occasion that I still remembered was when my opah (grandmather) occasionally came to our home and she bought a cartridge titled "Nasyid Al-Mizan". We love to hear to their hit song like "Alhamdullilah, Junjungan Mulia, Seruan Suci" I searched the internet for the songs and when I heard it, all the good time when my Opah was still in this world make me realized how she love us. May Allah bless her Hajah Puteh Sofiah aminn.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Old Newspaper

This is a true story about my father who likes to buy newspaper almost everyday. One thing that impressed me that he would arrange the old newspaper neatly in the storeroom after the day is over. After sometimes when the stack is about an arm length in height, he would call the old newspaper man to be sold.
One day in 2010, he was approached by a not so familiar old newspaper man.”Old newspaper! Old batteries!”  came out from the recorded voice as the old newspaper man drove slowly in his 1 tonne red and green 2.5 litre diesel  lorry with  dark grey thick tarpaulin covering its cargo.
My father hurried down to the front of his house and called “Old newspaper” . As the lorry came to a halt, the old newspaper man in his late forties, wearing  a white shirt and khaki bermuda  and his young assistant came down and picked up a stack of old newspaper after my father  showed  them the way to the storeroom.
 “RM 8 and 10 cents my friend” he said as he quickly put the newspaper on the weathered light green weighing scale with red a pointer and  aluminum tray and was about to haul it into his truck.
My father was furious and said “Wait! Can you please weight it again?”
The man quickly put back the newspaper back and the scale show almost 27 kg all right. “I am selling to you at 30 cents per kg, so 27 kg times 30 cent come to  RM8.10, ok I give you the 10 cents even though it is a bit less than 27 Kgs”  the old newspaper man said in a throaty muscular voice as he tried to be friendly.
“Stay for a moment, I want to get something more in my house” my father said in a commanding voice.
The old newspaper man cannot stop grinning from ears to ears, as his wrinkled face lighten up because my father was getting more of old things to be sold to him .Old car batteries, old children tricycle, corrugated boxes, magazines came into his mind, thanking his friendly manner and the extra 10 cents which attracted my father. “Ahh, today is 22 April, I will set it in my mobile phone reminder for next visit. This man is a well read person, so he has a lot of paper based items to be sold”, he thought as his assistant gargled down his throat plenty of  plain water from an old soft drink bottle.
My father was thinking otherwise. He searched high and  low for an item with a known weight, not to be sold but act as a standard for weight. Suddenly he saw something in the kitchen, a 10 kg rice sack. He quickly brought it to the two men waiting at the front gate.
The newspaper men were quite puzzled by my father's action. He just watched as my father put the sack on the scale and to their amazement, the scale tipped 9 Kgs. “ Sorry sir, this scale is out of order, we don’t know it, we will fix it straight away after this. Here you extra RM1.00 sir”
My father was quite upset that he accepted the extra RM1.00 with a mild angry tone. Who would know how many persons have they fooled or it is true they will fixed the scale straight away ?
Actually, my father  is so get used to selling old newspaper that he can gauge the weight for  certain days of  newspaper collection and the price he would get from the old newspaper man. He usually sells a stack of about 30 Kgs and get around RM9.00. There are a few old newspaper men who approach him and the one who is at the right timing will usually get to buy the old newspaper from my father.
This story really opens my mind on the importance of consumer rights that should be exercised by all people in Malaysia.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Delightful Blackout

I just came back from Ipoh to my home in Bandar Baru Bangi  on Jan 30, 2013 7.30pm only to be greeted by a power blackout. The normal comments came out from me "blackout, what happening?" We just entered the house, lighted 2candles that have been dipped in cooking oil ( a technique  I learned to make the candles last longer), took out  all  the  luggages  and  performed  our Maghrib   prayer.  After  then  my wife,  my two daughters and   myself gathered near the candles, talked happily with my wife  and   played with the kids when I suddenly said " This is why during the yesteryears family are close knitted,  there are no TV (some family have SW radio),no internet, let alone electronic games during the night and after dinner everybody gathered around the head of the family to hear folklore stories, advises or better still religious lessons or discussions. The father during those days were like magnet and felt really honoured, drawing the rest of the family to hear the valuable voice full of wisdom. Family members were more or less free from overindulgence in the media and entertainment world. When we got so called advanced and well informed now, Almighty take away this kind of goodness, maybe because we are advancing and well informed in a wrong way!-Allahualam Musabab

Did Something To Rescue A Plate Of Rice

11 June 2013, around 7.50 pm, while having dinner with my daughter at Kembali Cafe,Best WesternPremier Hotel,  there was a plate of barely touched spicy rice left over by my daughter. When I left the table to take other food, I were saddened when the plate of rice was taken away and put at a designated side table, a place where waiters put all leftover food ready to be thrown away. At  first I hold on to my pride and ignore it but as I saw the rice from afar, I felt sorry for the rice crying to be eaten (my mother told me when I was a kid). I walked bravely to the food leftover table, took back the rice and pour it into my plate and ate it, saving thousand of souls from crying all the way to the dustbin.

Monday, June 10, 2013

(Pilihanraya Hidayah Berhijab (PHB 2013)

Disebelah kanan blog ini terdapat suatu undian (poll), kertas mengundi adalah seperti dibawah.
Niat kita adalah berkempen memberi semangat kepada sesama islam supaya berubah kepada yang lebih baik. Raja Permaisuri Agong contoh terbaik, pemakaian hijjab telah menambahkan kecintaan Allah kepadanya Insyallah dan memberi inspirasi kepada "the royal circle"  dan rakyat jelata tentang nekad penhijrahan di waktu berada di puncaknya. Ianya bagi pendapat saya dapat memberi kesan "spillover effect" kepada ramai lagi pembesar untuk berhijjab.
Bagi kita, berhijjab sebenarnya dapat membantu muslimah untuk menjadi yang terbaik kerana dengan itu, tatasusila dan hormat dalaman seseorang kepada  dirinya sendiri secara dasarnya bertambah dan auranya akan di zahirkan kedalam sifat kehidupan seharian. Ada yang akan berkata, ramai yang bertudung tapi masih tidak menjaga tatasusila, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah pencapaian kepada suatu piawai seorang muslimah. Ada yang akan berkata pakai tudung tetapi tidak ikhlas maka tahukah bahawa adakah seseorang yang memakai tudung semasa masih kecil paham benar mengenai pemakaian tudung? Kita mungkin pernah mengetahui mengenai suatu kisah seorang pencuri yang mencuri terdengar perbualan tuan rumah mengenai niatnya kepada sesiapa yang paling awal ke masjid untuk bersolat Subuh.

Sekarang ini tiada lagi masalah untuk bertudung dan mengenakan sedikit fesyen yang memenuhi piawaian islam, baru-baru saya terdengar ada tudung berjenama wanita pertama, so our first lady, tunjukkan kewibawaan anda, berani untuk berubah diwaktu puncaknya ! Allahualam

We Need Good Thinking To Be Good

Assalamualaikum fellow muslims and good day to others. I am creating this blog in order to record meaningful events or useful portion of my thinking that suddenly pops up and worth recording. Al Mighty may send me, every now and then, good thinking for me to ponder with and worth sharing for the betterment of me and others.